General evolutionary features of stage
The child spends in these years, through two stages, the expansion of its subjectivity and the exploration of external reality, which generally agree with the age of kindergarten and preschool years. Own self-centeredness of the first year the child evolves to be integrated gradually into the world around him.
In this development, psychomotor maturation is critical. When the child is the year it began to go: the "crawlers" in the last part of the first year becomes "chased" from that new position, she observes the world with a new perspective, expand your horizon and you can zoom and manipulate your surroundings at your leisure.
The child's intelligence becomes, can represent these things without being present and use language to both their internal world order (first expressions of emotions) and external (begins to name things.)
Affect development in this period is very large because the child learns to control impulses and desires in a sort of "negotiation" in which he adapts to the changing family rules love and appreciation.
Once they have been defined and more or less accepted the limitations from the family (and society) are imposed, the child enters the age of onset, around five years, from which there is a strong intellectual and a progressive approach to other children, progress is favored if the learning of impulse control has been resolved without too much emotional conflict.
The child spends in these years, through two stages, the expansion of its subjectivity and the exploration of external reality, which generally agree with the age of kindergarten and preschool years. Own self-centeredness of the first year the child evolves to be integrated gradually into the world around him.
In this development, psychomotor maturation is critical. When the child is the year it began to go: the "crawlers" in the last part of the first year becomes "chased" from that new position, she observes the world with a new perspective, expand your horizon and you can zoom and manipulate your surroundings at your leisure.
The child's intelligence becomes, can represent these things without being present and use language to both their internal world order (first expressions of emotions) and external (begins to name things.)
Affect development in this period is very large because the child learns to control impulses and desires in a sort of "negotiation" in which he adapts to the changing family rules love and appreciation.
Once they have been defined and more or less accepted the limitations from the family (and society) are imposed, the child enters the age of onset, around five years, from which there is a strong intellectual and a progressive approach to other children, progress is favored if the learning of impulse control has been resolved without too much emotional conflict.

Around one year of age the child begins to walk, in a wavering, swaying, feet apart and leaning the body forward to keep balance, and is gradually reorganizing and gaining control of the muscles from the thick to thinner.
Special importance has the constitution of the body image is the mental representation that the child becomes himself. This body image does not match the body schema to the extent that the image involved other factors, mainly affective, that make subjective: it is an image that does not match the target body but determined by the value and importance that he and those around you give each part of your body: this image will influence, in the future, the self-concept and self-esteem.
Gesell as the chil:
At two years:
can go up and down stairs without help, but using both feet on each step capazde approach is a ball and give it a kick likes rough play and rollovers can turn the pages of a book at a time builds towers of six cubes and thread a needle accounts if necessary can sit a few times

After three years:
builds towers of nine or ten cubes may modulate their way of running and speed variations climbs stairs with alternating feet without help can pedal a tricycle
After four years:
known to jump to the "foot" maintains the balance on one foot for several seconds throwing a ball, put his arm back and pull hard can be buttoning clothes and shoes in the loop
After five years:
leaps and jumps with ease get to keep his balance on his toes for several seconds is able to perform physical exercises and dance use a toothbrush and comb can draw the figure of a person.
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