Overweight ChildrenFor many families, having a child fat, plump, and full of creases is quite an achievement, a sign that the child is well, strong and full of health. But experts in child nutrition do not think alike. And they'll be more, say that these families are very wrong. What matters is not the child is fat or thin. What matters is that the child is healthy. And that's where we wanted to go. In the last National Conference on Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk Factors, held in Madrid, Spain, was diagnosed with childhood obesity as an emerging disease. Both in Europe and the United States since the nineties until today, the incidence of childhood obesity has doubled. Spain has become the fourth European Union country with the highest number of overweight children, presenting a picture of obesity in 16.1% among children 6 to 12 years, surpassed only by data from Italy , Malta and Greece. An alarming fact in a society that has in his "resume" one of the best alimentary diets of the world: the Mediterranean diet, and in which only five years ago had only 5% of obese children.
What and how much to eat a childThere is no exact amount of food you should eat a child. Every child is a different world, and their wishes and needs are different. Because of that, is the child who can say exactly how much you can eat. And you can not force him to eat more. Not for good or for bad. Children usually eat more than girls, but in a matter of appetite can not be generalized.
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